• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. S

    Council building when scouting opponent on war map

    Currently there is an icon that appears on the council building when scouting a war opponent's base. Tapping it shows you your own council. You then can't exit the scout unless you restart.
  2. S

    Fix the map editor

    No problem JuggernautJ. Hopefully the hotfix they're rolling out now will sort it out properly! [Workaround inspired by Conqueror at UK Hit Squad - great alliance btw if anyone is looking for a good one!]
  3. S

    Fix the map editor

    That sounds like a different, much weirder, issue! This one is about saves to war bases not sticking after a restart. The workaround that works for me for that one isn't just saving it, you have to save and then use the button to 'copy' that layout into another slot. If you have buildings...
  4. S

    Fix the map editor

    Tried my workaround?
  5. S

    Fix the map editor

    There is a workaround, or it works for me at least. You need a layout slot other than your live layout that you don't mind overwriting. 1. Make your changes to war base and save 2. Select the war base slot, 'Copy' & choose the spare layout slot to paste the layout there. That's it. Then, for...
  6. S

    1.5 million per event?

    These cheats must be reducing the amount of money Nexon can make from events. Once you've been sucked into spending money on one once, only to watch the cheats take the whole global leaderboard, you won't be fooled again. I'm definitely not buying another pass until they deal with this properly.
  7. S

    Is this forum very broken for everyone or just me?

    Colours that make things unreadable and that you don't change when you edit the settings in 'My Profile' Going to 'User Settings' produces a page that just says 'sdsds' and nothing else. The messages page has various broken things and PHP errors. Hacked or just broken? Also, posted a message and...
  8. S

    Not receiving the event pass 'Bonus Leaderboard Points'

    Anyone else have this? March of the Elephants event. Paid for the pass, on the pass screen it says 'Claimed' and on the 'Event Pass Benefits' screen it says 'Active' next to the 'Bonus Leaderboard Points' part. However, no matter how many stars I win in battles, I'm not getting any of the...
  9. S

    Game crashes after video retrain

    Same here, on Android. Pretty annoying.
  10. S

    Impossible Event Scores?

    Hi, playing the event and noticed that the player topping my group has 4,316 event XP. Everyone else in the group has a score that divides by 10, which makes sense because all rewards so far are in 10s. So, where did the 6 come from? Is this a hack? Others in my alliance are seeing similar...