• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. George Jetson

    Is your Alliance slowly dying? If so, join a new one!

    Rise to the top of the heap
  2. George Jetson

    The Aesir and Hobbit Zombies have joined forces...

    Nice to see you are still together and have joined forces. :)
  3. George Jetson

    The Aesir has some open spots for friendly active players

    No pressure fun alliance with great teachers and amazing people Strongbow and GeeGee have built a world class alliance that has been featured by the game on the DomiNations live streams,and by Christopher and his amazing M&C channel on YouTube So why not check them out you will be glad you did :)
  4. George Jetson


    As a former dominations player. I still hang out with with alot of these people on Discord servers. These are awesome people to team up with and you can learn a great deal from. Example Scorpion king is one of the elite players in the game,and truly an amazing person you can learn a great deal...
  5. George Jetson

    Farewell to everyone

    All of the above the game is no longer fun for me don't log on anymore and don't miss it
  6. George Jetson

    Farewell to everyone

    I have moved on from this game have left all resources outside walls un guarded good luck to everyone who still enjoys this game
  7. George Jetson

    The Elder Wand is looking for players with good game knowledge

    If you guys ever locate the Resurrection stone and the cloak of invisibility, you guy's will be a powerful alliance. Good luck :)
  8. George Jetson

    Share your museum perks

    No Title
  9. George Jetson

    So now the whole game is broken!

    So when can we expect a fix ?
  10. George Jetson

    So now the whole game is broken!

    Another glitch brought to you by the fine folks at Nexon :(
  11. George Jetson

    So now the whole game is broken!

    Lots of players in our alliance are having severe lag or can't connect all together. The same thing is happening with friends from another alliance How many are experiencing this problem?
  12. George Jetson

    $75 for 4 random 2* artifacts???

    Nexon employee sniffing glue or huffing paint can be dangerous to your health
  13. George Jetson

    Nexon when are you going to fix the broken chat?

    Bump to top of the screen
  14. George Jetson

    Nexon when are you going to fix the broken chat?

    More than likely they don't know how to fix it and are to embarrassed to say so!
  15. George Jetson

    Nexon when are you going to fix the broken chat?

    Can add this to the soon to be deleted posts. But will make a new one until you close the game or fix the chat whichever comes first
  16. George Jetson

    9 good players looking for a new home...

    Should check out the Aesir. An alliance featured on the live streams. Discord is required though great group