• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. T

    Can no longer access second account

    Utterly useless and unworkable nonsense. Deleted accounts and uninstalled game. Finally had enough.
  2. T

    Google Play Notice

    Finally had enough and quit after 6 years. This latest issue being the final straw. What a way to treat players aka customers making it unplayable. Absolute bunch of clowns.
  3. T

    Dominations Browser game, not working since update

    Why can i only access one account now? The option has vanished from settings menu and i have two accounts in an alliance. This is ridiculous.
  4. T

    Can no longer access second account

    What's happened in settings since the update? I have two big acouunts and now there is no way to switch to the second one and we are in a war. This is ridiculous.
  5. T

    Waste of time finished with the game

    Played for 3 years and this bug has ruined the fcking game. Constantly losing troops, unable to log in., spinning circles stopping the game and thrown out of attacks. Bunch of amateur clowns. Onto pastures new.
  6. T

    Problems of all updates and their testing

    Nobody seems to be doing anything about it. The problem remains.
  7. T

    Constantly spinning circles

    Something i have noticed is this bug seems to affect devices with a slower CPU like tablets. They need to look into that. My high end smartphone does not seem to have these issues.
  8. T

    Constantly spinning circles

    Is anything actually going to be done about this?
  9. T

    Speed-up requests causing the issue

    Since the last update it looks like the speed-up requests are causing the problems during game play. I did contact CS via the game. When speed-up requests are answered by an alliance member a spinning circle appears over the relevant upgrade AND in the center of the screen which stops the game...
  10. T

    Constantly spinning circles

    It may be something to do with buildings being upgraded because often another spinning circle appears on an upgrading building??
  11. T

    Constantly spinning circles

    The update has stopped me from actually playing the game. Constantly spinning circles on the screen. Android device. CS doesn't respond.
  12. T

    Reaching level 300?

    Been stuck on level 299 digital age for months have upgraded most defensive buildings to at least digital. Still upgrading but the number remains on 299. Do i also have to upgrade useless stuff like roads, caravans and farms etc?
  13. T

    Multiplayer museum artifact bug?

    Has anyone noticed the lack of effectiveness of certain museum artifacts that have +20 or +25 hitpoints for example in my case bazookas? Most multiplayer attacks i lose nearly all of them. Is the museum actually working?
  14. T

    Game now fails to load Android Mobile

    I reinstalled the game and it now works....
  15. T

    Game now fails to load Android Mobile

    Dominations now fails to load on my Android Mobile Phone. I noticed it about one week back and it still fails to load. Anyone else have the same problem?
  16. T

    Server Down?

    Yes it's happening over and over again.
  17. T

    Matchmaking worst than ever

    You sound like a little 12year old girl who doesn't get her way. Grow up or move on Captain Moaner.
  18. T

    Matchmaking worst than ever

    You sound like a little 12 year old brat who doesn't get his way. All over a mobile game. Grow a pair or grow up. Absolutely pathetic.
  19. T

    DomiNations v9.5 Update

    Since the update i can't claim rewards from the event.
  20. T

    Account Banned - Crown Exploitation

    Crown exploitation? Sounds like complete and utter BS excuse to me.