• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. D

    6 bombers cheating or legit?

    Looks like a cheater. Additional bombers would have shown up as expended troop tactics.
  2. D

    Looted Resource Refund (LRR) and BHG deleting our earnings?

    I feel your pain. I was using the Council to bank crowns for acquiring new cards and upgrades, and now thousands of crowns have disappeared thanks to the latest "upgrade." 😑
  3. D

    Morse Telegraph - Week Ahead 6/10

    Has the Sally Ride discount been delayed? It's 6/12 in the US and I'm not seeing the discounted costs highlighted in yellow.
  4. D

    An option for “Mutiny” or unanimous vote among council members and higher, to overthrow/replace a poor performing leader

    We had a couple of members spin off into a new team, and because the chat is unfiltered (and in your case, possibly unmonitored), they were able to post the new team name there so dissatisfied members could transfer over there.
  5. D

    Lift Off, Apollo 13 - Week Ahead 4/22

    Following instant Vault upgrades, Markets are next on the list.
  6. D

    Spring Is Here - Week Ahead 3/18

    Farms and caravans are discounted now.
  7. D

    Mark the helicopter as the target of an aircraft attack

    My ground units have been doing a better job at attacking defending helicopters than my aircraft, so I've been finding Betrayal to be a useful tactic. And you can augment the number of units you flip with technologies and Council benefits.
  8. D

    Spring Is Here - Week Ahead 3/18

    Purim farm and caravan upgrade discounts aren't showing yet.
  9. D

    Museum Loadout #1 Keeps Resetting Itself

    Great new feature, but my Loadout #1 keeps resetting itself, emptying all my selections, despite choosing and saving my artifacts. The other numbered Loadouts seem to be working fine, OTOH.
  10. D

    Error Retrieving Target Data

    I keep receiving this error message when trying to launch an attack, although I'm being attacked regularly. I didn't have this issue before the latest upgrade.
  11. D

    Link to videos not working

    I'd rather stare at a fixed image for 15 seconds than waste 30 on an irrelevant video that requires you to hit additional buttons in order to exit the ad!
  12. D

    Black History Month - Week Ahead 1/29

    The 48-hour Marco Polo rotation schedule was posted on the DM Facebook page but I couldn't find it in this forum.
  13. D

    September Legendary Token Calendar

    Great spreadsheet!!! But it's hard to follow across the chart without horizontal lines or color bands.
  14. D

    Videos not displaying.

    Not working for Marco Polo or the Daily rewards.
  15. D

    Do Artifact boosts automatically upgrade?

    If I have heavy cavalry bonuses from my museum artifacts, will they apply when I upgrade my stables to tank factories?
  16. D

    instant retrain glitch

    I'm having the same problem and I'm no upgrading any army buildings.
  17. D

    Instant retrain issue

    I'm experiencing the same error whenever I donate troops and hit the "retrain" button.
  18. D

    Season 4: Flourishing Frontlines - Week Ahead 6/26

    Thanks for the update! Any discounts on general or building upgrades during the first week of July?
  19. D

    Juneteenth - Week Ahead 6/19

    Thanks for the clarification. I'll have to wait another week then!