I feel your pain. I was using the Council to bank crowns for acquiring new cards and upgrades, and now thousands of crowns have disappeared thanks to the latest "upgrade." 😑
We had a couple of members spin off into a new team, and because the chat is unfiltered (and in your case, possibly unmonitored), they were able to post the new team name there so dissatisfied members could transfer over there.
My ground units have been doing a better job at attacking defending helicopters than my aircraft, so I've been finding Betrayal to be a useful tactic. And you can augment the number of units you flip with technologies and Council benefits.
Great new feature, but my Loadout #1 keeps resetting itself, emptying all my selections, despite choosing and saving my artifacts. The other numbered Loadouts seem to be working fine, OTOH.
I keep receiving this error message when trying to launch an attack, although I'm being attacked regularly. I didn't have this issue before the latest upgrade.
I'd rather stare at a fixed image for 15 seconds than waste 30 on an irrelevant video that requires you to hit additional buttons in order to exit the ad!