• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

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  1. L

    Proof Marco Will No Longer Offer Troop Chests

    not surprising since nexon is being fined heavily for loot boxes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeI7bDPkjmo
  2. L

    Cold War 6.0 Update

    you know damn well this is just to push more p2w buildings. You want to save that sentry tower? well too bad you have 2 weeks to use it unless you buy them for 9.99 each. Im so glad i quit this game. I log in to the forums once a week just to remind myself not to reinstall this game.
  3. L

    Latest BigHuge Robbery: Give us back OUR 833 glory or 192 troop cards

    I get upset when i hear about people buying troop cards. They are one of the worst things that could have happened to this game and will never be removed if people keep buying them.
  4. L

    No « State of the nations » this month ?

    Why do you even care, its the same bs every time. They are just going to tell us matchmaking isnt broken, nothing to fix there, and tell us about all the 'cool' new things we can spend our money on.
  5. L

    Defense is overpowered = game not fun anymore?

    Its not fine in war. Defense is still too strong. They made it this way on purpose. They want to sell more troop cards and if the only way you can win a war is with troop cards, the defense will continue to be too strong.
  6. L

    cold war

    We will get a new general, Marko Aleksandrovich Ramius who will be 'riding' Red October Submarine and will shoot missiles from the sub at defending troops(like the silo)
  7. L

    How do you feel about the upgrade time?

    Are you on drugs?!?!?!? Adding additional time/worker sinks into the game to 'fix' something that should be done at the base stats of the game.
  8. L

    Banneker's Almanac Event!

    we have had more than one sale on production/storage buildings since the summer event too. We havent had an oil upgrade discount since fighters.
  9. L

    Banneker's Almanac Event!

    dont count on it, typically in the past a 2nd event is week long and would have already started. the devs are so clueless.
  10. L

    Banneker's Almanac Event!

    I havent even built all the oil wells im able to build.
  11. L

    Banneker's Almanac Event!

    what a worthless event again. if people havent already upgraded these production buildings this isnt going to convince them to do so.
  12. L

    Fed Up

    ive been logging in a lot less. im out of town this weekend, th-tu and probably wont log in at all when im gone. If i dont miss it at all then i probably will just delete, and move on.
  13. L

    Low amount of oil in victory chest

    The answer you are looking for is, "The development team is subpar and introduces dozens upon dozens of bugs in every update."
  14. L

    Campaign for the Training blessing to apply to all Airstrip troops!

    Didnt you know, nostradamus predicted the end of DomiNations to be 2018.
  15. L

    cold war

    Free Telogreika for everyone!
  16. L

    Can BHG make some adjustment on the game?

    who cares if you feel cheated, this is about the health of the game, not about you. IF, and we all know they wont, they did remove the worker cost, the university would be just like the library. One research at a time for the entire university. So it would take ages to get through the entire...
  17. L

    Can BHG make some adjustment on the game?

    End game???? It was added well before the end game. we unlock in in GP, 7th age and we have at least 13 ages total. If its end game, why is there forest clear research? Why is there building cost reduction research. No, the University is put in to slow our progression and make us think we are...
  18. L

    why horse and archer cards exist?

    They wouldnt be offered if people didnt buy them
  19. L

    minimum age for event?

    I can confirm this. I have bazooka tower and bazooka sentry in my inventory still. I got both prior to AA and the stats on both are the AA level not that i am AA.