• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. O

    brief analysis of the nations

    i edited this in: '20% health on already high health tanks adds up, obviating factory heavy tanks. each team should have french players to give these tanks.'
  2. O

    About changing nations

    -- not obsi, but her boy -- in ma you don't have enough perspective on the advantages of french; i recommend you stay french and re-consider in a later age. the cavalry and secondary benefits are very good. don't consider korean until you know exactly what you would do with the extra...
  3. O

    does 'elephant stable' work without merc camp, and do event buildings scale?

    two event building questions .... should be obvious but our group is collectively wondering. does the 'elephant stable' still function if the mercenary camp is upgrading? how does it work when it extends mercenary capacity by one ... without a mercenary camp? also, do event buildings upgrade...
  4. O

    Comado stop moving after destroyed defense

    it appears they have forgotten how to blow up walls, and if their logic necessatates it they just run in place.
  5. O

    auto-accept crown rewards from defending

    i don't blame nexon ... i just have a QoL improvement idea that seems worthy of consideration.
  6. O

    commando door amnesia

    my commandos will run through a door to blow up a building, then stop (running in place), forgetting how to run back out the door. this 'lockpick amnesia' seems to release once all defensive buildings are destroyed, which is a little counterproductive. destroyers are gimped for certain bases...
  7. O

    Base editor - removing wonder does not free space

    i've experienced this too, just trying to edit a base and move some bulidings around.
  8. O

    fast forward during multiplayer attacks

    if we are used to 'grinding' multiplayer attacks .... we know when we are done. i would use a fast forward option to watch the battle play out once i know i have it, just like it works in replays.
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    funny new bug with friendly challenges

    1. post a friendly challenge and take some attacks. 2. in ww, go to ww map and open chat log. replay an attack. the screen will not change, but stays on the ww map. 3. select 'home'. your base will appear, but it will be under attack! the user interface will be the regular town ui, without the...
  10. O

    brief analysis of the nations

    eliding this message.
  11. O

    a method for playing german.

    i'm addicted to the fast rally; it's a very cool undervalued perk. the extra dps on soldiers is ok, but it's much less important than the global damage bonus. i maximally upgraded soldiers in the university and they still too vulnerable to send on the initial strike. they are very good for...
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    auto-accept crown rewards from defending

    it's often the case that when i wake up i've been attacked many times, with many crown rewards. that's great. i also often miss one or more because i don't scroll down enough. it's a little thing, but it would be an improvement to have the crowns auto-accepted. i'm sure of this because it's my...
  13. O

    World War loot completely NOT worth the effort? Please increase the loots

    as it is ww loot is a disincentive; new players need to be taught not to decide their targets by loot, that the loot is a meaningless distraction in ww.... where we have to negotiate around a design point, there is room for improvement. like everyone i like the idea of a few crowns for winning...
  14. O

    tyrannosaurus rex lure

    sometimes we don't want boars/bears taking up space in our little zoo .. but only want foxes... eg we keep 2 workers free for trees/mines and foxes... and the darn boars/bears start to take over our animal 'slots'. so, i propose a tyrannosaurus rex lure that will summon a giant flesh eating...
  15. O

    picture for 'boar lure' is a bear

    every player checking out 'marco polo' this weekend sees the 'boar lure' with the same picture of a bear as the 'bear lure'. then, s/he thinks: "is that a mistake? oh i guess it doesn't matter". it's not a big bug, but every player has to do the double-take so it's worth mentioning.
  16. O

    World War Replays - Beta Test (6/13 - 6/27)

    ww replay inconsistencies batte log says 37% zero * ..... replay is 58% two *..... as they said they would, i'm sure they have this logged and are figuring it out ... but i have to wonder what is reality? it's like schrodinger's battle: if in one reality you have a black eye and the other you...
  17. O


    totally agree in principle. why should it be hard to get salt if you are german? it should be national perk to generate them.
  18. O

    Not possible to end medal quest

    this issue is a design problem ... the intent of the medals quest is to hit a target set when you get the quest, and that target should be displayed so you don't have to wonder .... and new players will certainly make a mistake and get the wrong idea because the UI is confusing. it should be...
  19. O

    Can I or can I NOT use my stag lures?

    i can confirm at this point that it is certainly ambiguous.
  20. O

    Banned for suspicious activity - what?

    omg you're totally right. it's marco's fault. he's *right there* can't we just send our barracks troops over and pillage his camp? a little pillaging and it's worse counterparts might re-educate him to treat us better.