• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. B

    So close *cry*

    How do you get 1 years worth of speeds?
  2. B

    Boosted Coalition Cheat

    How’s the current weekly event, 1.8 million points That’s actually just over 2 years of speed ups. At a generous 10 dollars u.s. per week of speeds, that’s over 1k u.s. to win a weekly event 🙄 Yeah right
  3. B

    DomiNations 11.2.3 Hotfix

    Customer service responded in game to say its an issue with the Retrain Blessings. And they’re working on it. 🤷‍♂️
  4. B

    DomiNations 11.2.3 Hotfix

    Circle of death is rampant. Even just opening the game, have to force close and reopen to farm goodies. Uninstall and reinstall did nothing. Still get circle of death. Managed to upgrade walls to max for age, but in doing so, was retraining planes for 4hrs at least 2x a day, often 3 x. Can...
  5. B

    DomiNations 11.2.3 Hotfix

    Circle of death eating troops again. 4.5 hrs to replace plane as one airstrip under construction, and have a temp building for extra two planes. That’s a long long wait. I don’t bother making mercenaries as you can’t afford to replace them all the time. Server issues when they happen, might as...
  6. B

    Spinning yellow circle

    Have had to replace entire fleet of troops multiple times per day. Even with a retrain blessing. 3.5hrs as one airstrip is being upgraded, soo wasted soo many blessings
  7. B

    SftA Atomic and Cold Rush Extended

    Are all ages being pushed back one week? Will space age extend another week or is it due to finish in a couple days🤷‍♂️ Can we get an updated calendar perhaps
  8. B

    university time problems

    You’re kidding!!! I’ve been saving speed ups specially to obtain one last legendary to get the uni discount. Only to be “had” with a cap limit. The only positive should be the oil research 🧐. Spending in this game is a con
  9. B

    Update on 9.12 and Attack Helicopters

    You’re full of crap! The helicopters are not that good at all. Maybe if your museum is geared for helicopters and anti air already. But you’re massively over stating their ability. Maybe because your museum is soo geared to factory troops you don’t want to lose that ability.
  10. B

    DomiNations v9.12 Update

    Fantastic update. Finally we can start using more and different troops. Interesting to see many old hats in the comments still complaining about everything, weh weh weh. Seriously 🙄. keep up the good updates, There’s enough in this update to keep us going for at least a year. Troop upgrades...
  11. B

    Anti-cheat policy or dirty method of WW winning?

    If you save up speed-ups for months and months, and finally find a half-decent Event to spend your speed-ups on to have a go at getting top 100, expect to get banned if you do NOT buy an event pass. Once the event ends, and just when it's time to claim event prizes, auto ban if you make top 100...
  12. B

    Museum warning during this King Tuts event

    Had been waiting for this King Tut's event for a while, now it's here, I'm losing fragments like crazy. So after a search to double-check if my memory was corrupt... This is what the museum used to be: Selling artifacts, 1 star = 25 fragments 2 star = 90 fragments 3 star = 300 fragments...
  13. B

    Call to Arms v8.5 Update

    When I upgrade a 3-star artifact One level, I used to get 600 fragments back, now, it's 300. Had been waiting for this King Tut's event for a while, now it's here, I'm losing fragments like crazy. So after a search to double-check if my memory was corrupt... Selling artifacts, 1 star = 25...
  14. B

    Vickers, vickers, vickers

    I looked - at VIP 6, and the Marco polo - Vickers is for sale a lot via crowns. Possibly even more often with higher VIP.
  15. B

    Welcoming Summer for the Ages 2020

    Information age part of the event? Or a suprise last minute addition?
  16. B

    Troops targeting Bastions 1st

    I had 4 heavy tanks beside a wall, the other side, was a air defence. Rally the air defence. Should take 2 sec for 4 heavy tanks to destroy the wall, then a sec or two to destroy the building. Instead, they drive around a broken wall, around 1.5 lengths of building walls, to the other pointy...
  17. B

    Artefact Quality Event - uneven playing field + cs feedback

    Lol. It's how it works, for years. It's a very common theme. I never upgrade museum artifacts outside of events. It's hugely expensive, and the discounts create insane value if you save your goods over time.
  18. B

    Customer service ignoring people..

    How much have two things effected CS - 1, Covid-19 and 2 - Their new game they are working on. Staff numbers would be spread extra thin, if you live in the area they are based, hit them up for a job, they obviously are understaffed
  19. B

    DomiNations generates $200 million

    And that's why there's no customer service anymore, they've been too busy building a new game
  20. B

    World At War Advancement & Siege of Cadia Events

    War coalitions are currently pointless, war matchmaking doesn't even come close to working for the last two months.