• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Lord Nando

    [BUG] You acn take control of your alliance members' library?!

    Over on the Dominations subreddit a user has posted a video showing a bug in 5.7 that allows him to control an alliance member's library and screw with his event buildings too. Sure, it's only people in your alliance which you should be able to trust, but wow, this is pretty serious. This...
  2. Lord Nando

    You Have Been Banned. Reason: Suspicious Activity

    My account was finally unbanned, but was rolled back to a point roughly 4 days before the ban occurred. I lost 200k oil worth of Amelia upgrades and a bunch of other food/gold. I sent in a support ticket and I was reset the the appropriate point (just before the ban) and regained all the lost...
  3. Lord Nando

    You Have Been Banned. Reason: Suspicious Activity

    TinSoldier I'm still banned, help? I'd send you a private message but the system says that you don't allow private messages. I'm hesitant to post my player number on here, as I've heard it can be used by hackers to screw up people's accounts.
  4. Lord Nando

    You Have Been Banned. Reason: Suspicious Activity

    I've received the following reply to my request for "re-investigation": In no way was I using an exploit. I deployed a handful of legitimately acquired stag lures. Each lure spawned two stags. Each stag was hunted and gave me six crowns. I was then banned for having the audacity to trip some...
  5. Lord Nando

    You Have Been Banned. Reason: Suspicious Activity

    Radzeer, I'm very disappointed that we are all being blindly accused of cheating. The customer service reply to my inquiry is as follows: Then, my reply: I hope they realize what is going on: WE ARE NOT CHEATERS! :( Please, someone help!
  6. Lord Nando

    You Have Been Banned. Reason: Suspicious Activity

    I've been playing Dominations since sometime around spring 2015. I play on my phone (Galaxy SIII until last month, LG V20 now) and on Bluestacks/Droid4X through my PC at home. I'm a late stage British Atomic player and lately I've been grinding out those Amelia university upgrades for that...
  7. Lord Nando

    Banned for suspicious activity - what?

    I too have received a ban today. I too have claimed a handful of stag lures today from the Marco Polo event a few weeks ago. I too cannot contact customer service because the game tells me I'm banned. What do I do? Can anyone help? Is anyone monitoring these posts? I'm a 100% legit player...
  8. Lord Nando


    Same just happened to me. Dojo hit 0 and poof crashed. Now I can't log in on tablet or on Bluestacks. I think it's because I had 4 ninjas trained and was over my supply limit so now the game thinks I'm doing something illegal and just crashes. Ugh, I wonder how bad I'll be raided...
  9. Lord Nando

    Too many cheats - I quit

    Industrial Age also has some kind of bug (many are saying its intentional) on every emulator (BlueStacks, AndyOS, Amiduos) where it just freezes after the log in. The general understanding is they did this to stop cheaters. Worked great, huh? Meanwhile tons of legit, paying players (like me)...
  10. Lord Nando

    Intel Celeron Processor & more about emulation?

    I also can't play due to it not working on bluestacks and I've also quit. To request a refund on any crowns purchases recently you'll have to go through the android app story customer service.
  11. Lord Nando

    BUG: Аfter Update the game no longer works on BlueStack

    I'm in the same boat here. I play 95% of the time on Bluestacks because it's much more comfortable to play at my computer instead of hunched over my tablet. The game simply stops at a black screen after the NEXON logo now, and I can no longer play. ​If this issue cannot be resolved, I'll have...
  12. Lord Nando

    BUG: Аfter Update the game no longer works on BlueStack

    I'm in the same boat here. I play 95% of the time on Bluestacks because it's much more comfortable to play at my computer instead of hunched over my tablet. The game simply stops at a black screen after the NEXON logo now, and I can no longer play. If this issue cannot be resolved, I'll have...