• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. B

    Oil Boom Balance Update

    I spent real money upgrading my cavalry to compensate for the last nerf, so now they are worthless again. Why not just give the walls and buildings some armour? Most of the original members of our alliance have left the game (most deleting it, I know this because we all play other games together...
  2. B

    Inaccurate replays

    I have screenshots that show this discrepancy (which I will forward to support). The funny thing is, neither the log at the end of the replay or the battle report seem accurate. One says they stole 9k of resources, the other says 10k, yet I'm missing over 200k of food! I know this for a fact...
  3. B

    Inaccurate replays

    I reported this over a month ago, but my thread was merged with a unrelated thread complaining about battle logs (to which i pointed out). I reported it to support as requested back then and again a few days ago. I do not see this in the list of active issues or known bugs. The replays do not...
  4. B

    Removed from league and lost my copper medal?

    With all due respect... The forum is a much more structured environment for dealing with issues because you have the entire history of the issue, attachments and all, in one place, where other users can add info regarding the same issue, typically on different platforms/devices. Support techs...
  5. B

    Removed from league and lost my copper medal?

    Sorry Wvolf, when I performed my next attack it rejoined me to the copper league (as if it was the first time) so I can't send a ss of it, but I'll post it here the next time it happens. Would be nice to just post it here. Why is it we can't just report bugs in one place (i.e. Here where it's...
  6. B

    Game crashing

    This happens to me (loading screen locks 1/4 of the way) after I recieve the batch error, I just exit the game and restart it and that usually works. However, sometimes I have to reboot my iPad, then run DomiNations.
  7. B

    Removed from league and lost my copper medal?

    When I logged in today, I now see my copper medal is gone and when I click on the dock it tells me the same thing it did when I first started playing, that I need to go into battle and when I reach 400 medals, I can join a league, even though I have more than 400 medals right now. I guess that...
  8. B

    Am I missing something? Battle error?!?

    If you're going to merge my thread with this one, at least change the title of the thread so it relates to the issue... "Replays are inaccurate". The current title wouldn't lead one to think it has anything to do with replays, hence the reason I never read this thread and created a new Thread.
  9. B

    Server OOS Code = 501 Errors

    I've been trying to post in these forums for days, let's hope today is my lucky day... To answer your question JesseNexon, my in-game name is Spartacus.
  10. B

    Am I missing something? Battle error?!?

    Another issue with the replays is that all but 4 of my replays were suddenly deleted when I just restarted the game, and the oldest one says it was recorded 2356 weeks ago :/ somehow the replay dates are getting corrupted. I'm not sure what the threshold is for the number of replays the user has...
  11. B

    Server OOS Code = 501 Errors

    I did send a report to support from within the game (I also included links to my posts in this forum), however, their response was rather curt and didn't address these issues (and somewhat cavalier in pointing out the game is "free to download and play", which isn't really the case when I'm...
  12. B

    Server OOS Code = 501 Errors

    Ok, this bug is getting quite frustrating because I'm spending money to find a battle, start the battle, then the game crashes with this server error. I just (yet again) wasted 2000+ gold to find a battle only to have it crash moments into that battle. TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE, ALL THE SOLDIERS I...
  13. B

    War Academy, tactic item info display anomaly

    It went away, and now it's back... Go figure.
  14. B

    Am I missing something? Battle error?!?

    Inaccurate replays I realize people have mentioned this in some individual posts in the forum, but it deserves a thread of it's own as an official bug report because it's very inaccurate of the events that actually took place. I wasn't sure at first if I was just imagining this but I made a...
  15. B

    War Academy, tactic item info display anomaly

    Lol when you go to edit your post it deletes all the original text and you have to start over. Good thing I copied the text first. Forgot... Using iOS 8.1.3 (trying to post this I get an empty forum alert box (no text) with only an OK button, so I assume it's warning me I have to wait to make...
  16. B

    Server OOS Code = 501 Errors

    Forgot... Using iOS 8.1.3
  17. B

    Server OOS Code = 501 Errors

    iPad Air 2 128mb. I get about 2-3 of these per day (see screenshot) and the game has to reboot.
  18. B

    War Academy, tactic item info display anomaly

    Btw, please fix the issues with this forum and iPad air 2. It's very frustrating trying to read or post here. Anytime you touch a forum page (even in none text entry areas, like topic links), the keyboard pops up and posting ignores all CR/LF so everything you type is in one big paragraph. Also...
  19. B

    War Academy, tactic item info display anomaly

    iPad air 2 128mb, although I only posted 1 screenshot, all item info screens display the same anomaly.
  20. B


    Thanks neoncity, that explains a lot. I'm not familiar with CoC, I'm from the Warcraft III world, so when my base gets destroyed, it's gone, along with any army I had lol So I guess I'm not used to this format and how such things are applied. Again, you've been very helpful, thanks.