• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. skychan

    Known Game Issues

    Please check this thread, https://forums.bighugegames.com/forum/nexonm-games/dominations/bugs-and-known-issues/663490-abnormal-termination-on-a-raid-while-sending-planes It is another known bug, that hasn't been listed here, that I would VERY much like to see getting fixed.
  2. skychan

    Abnormal termination on a raid while sending planes

    Thank you for the concise description of what's happening. I appreciate it as at least now I can try to watch for it.
  3. skychan

    Update to our Banning Policy (12/20/19)

    This is great news. It's been disheartening and an issue for a long time.
  4. skychan

    Ironsides Upgrade Manuals

    So, anyone know anything about getting these? is it just for whales buying packages or can they be found some other way?
  5. skychan

    Number of active players...

    What was the ultimate result?
  6. skychan

    Tin+ Muet, 24 on leader board cheats and hackers, action please ASAP pt2

    This is really disappointing to see.
  7. skychan

    7.2 Update Decreases Device's Performance

    Any word on when this may get fixed? even going with all HT armies to minimize number of troops I am putting on the field doesn't help keep lag down anymore.
  8. skychan

    Device requirements for the game

    Hi, It's come to be that I can no longer really compete in war's due to the increasingly bad lag for any battle involving space age or even troop cards in cold war. I'm also finally going to get on the smart phone bandwagon. So, I thought I would come here for some advice. before I go on, I...
  9. skychan

    When will changes be made to the troop lineup bar?

    I am asking because after the last changes there was a lot of talk, and I think this really could be a huge quality of life improvement, especially the ability to order things or even simply scroll from the end to the beginning again. But right now it makes switching between the things I need...
  10. skychan

    New UI is garbage.

    I have to say my number 1 concern is having to scroll back and forth. This when combined with lag can be absolutely killer. My personal suggestion is to put all types of troops far right and start with the bar scrolled right, so once you deploy they are done and only have to scroll ONCE...
  11. skychan

    New UI is garbage.

    If you are not going to let us customize it at least put things in a reasonable order such as... Rally button, Planes, Troop Tactics, Wonders, Troop Cards, Coalition troops, Alliance troops,then finally all regular war troops. This at least would have one benefit. The single use troop drops...
  12. skychan

    Easy Reporting of Cheaters on Battle Results page.

    So I've been thinking about the issue of cheaters, the obvious ones with 10-20 buildings all upgrading at the same time when you stumble over them in a multiplayer battle, or in war's when someone wipes a space age base with an Iron age army etc... Right now we have a button to share things on...
  13. skychan

    Tactic Rebalance

    Thats absurd. I can't use this many tactics simply because I have to scroll left and right on the deployment screen to use them! Once they fix it so that 'empty' unit/army/tactic etc slots are automatically shifted out of the way this is to me useless as I have to scroll left to reach my...
  14. skychan

    Unlimited Workers Hack

    Frankly I agree with publicly posting it. Make the abuse so easy and all encompassing that Nexon has to deal with it or admit their game is irretrievably broken. But then I'm getting rather jaded and just hope that maybe the nuclear option will do something.
  15. skychan

    Known Game Issues

    When retraining an army with attack helicopters in it and one barracks under construction some troops are being assigned to the under construction building. While nice in that it's actually building them, it's really annoying if you are trying to change your troop spread and can't because those...
  16. skychan

    World War Changes: Glory Decay

    That doesn't answer if you are losing 1000 glory per failed check, or 10% glory per failed check. It basically doesn't answer the question.
  17. skychan

    DomiNations Quick Feedback

    The Randomness of what used to be known quantities is a major issue. The museum basically makes everything you learn about relative strengths and weaknesses obsolete. There is no longer even remote relationships between MP and WAR.
  18. skychan

    How will players with maxed walls complete the Charlemagne Event?

    Yes canceling this stuff will help you waste resources too.
  19. skychan

    Catch Up Event!

    He chose option 3. I had option 3 listed. ;)
  20. skychan

    Add a new temple improvement and new blessings

    The temple is one of the buildings that can consistently be improved without causing too much overpowered problems. Especially if the blessings added are to help building, commerce, or troop training.