That sucks man. Wars take a lot of investment, be it money, time,effort. It horrible something like that should happen.
I've seen this happen to one of my old clans way way back, when I was starting out. Didn't get any help from anyone back then.
Guys, if a request could be made at all, I'd like if you lads could fix the issues rather than complicating the game with features we don't really need. It seems like after every update we get a ton of bugs that are just masked and issues that are swept under the rug by your marketing team.We...
I second this.
Same Alliance. I've been typing stuff and it's like the chat is eating everything I say, as it disappears after a few seconds.
Yet the whole chat is filled with expired alliance friendly challenges.
Rogue Pirates.
Come Aboard.
Thanks Anubis,
We really are on quite a streak. We allow enough time to rest and replenish resources. We have tons of tutorials and bases that we share on discord.
We explain a ton of replays and really help younger members grow.
The workload is split evenly and everyone is super friendly...
Thanks, we're really trying to train members willingvto learn and we also welcome experienced folks willing to contribute.
We're not a charity to everyone has equal responsiblity.
Let's make dominations great again. :)
Rhino Company